We use Git daily to manage our code. So it is very important to know basic git commands. I will write down the commands and their usage below.

Basic Git Commands and their usage

git init

initialize git & create a .git file in your project folder

git status

show the status of your project code if you do any changes

git remote add origin https://github.com/your_username/repository_name

before running this command you need to create a code repository in your github account. then you can add your remote repository to your local machine. the remote repository will be added as origin in your local machine.

git add .

add all the changes you have made in your project

git commit -m 'commit message'

commit all your changes locally. here commit message is your message what you have changed

git checkout -b branch_name

create a new branch & checkout(go to) that branch everytime you start changing some part of your code, it is better to do that change in a new branch keeping your master branch perfect

git push origin branch_name

when your changes are done & it is okay, you can use previous commands add & commit to save the changes locally. then you can push your branch to origin create a merge request.

git pull origin master

next time when you start working again, you should always pull from the remote repository to your local master branch. here you can pull from master branch or any other branch if you have like development


Forgot To Pull and Did Some Modifications on a New Branch

Sometimes it may happen that you forget to pull the latest updates from remote repository and strat working on a new branch! On that case what you can do is

git add .
git commit -m 'commit message'
git checkout master
git pull origin branch_name
git checkout -b branch2
git merge branch1
  • add all the changes ( suppose you are on branch1 )
  • commit all the staged changes
  • go to master branch
  • pull the latest updates from remote
  • create a new branch and go to that branch
  • merge branch1 changes with branch2 ( branch2 will have all the latest updates from master branch )
  • so branch2 will have all the changes from remote repository ( latest updates ) and your changes in branch2

Want To Change The Remote Url

Sometimes you might mistakenly add wrong remote url or you want to change the remote url

git remote set-url origin https://new-url.com
  • will change the remote url of origin